Weekly Prayer Meeting
The Fairfield Methodist Church weekly prayer meeting is now at 10:00 a.m. each Monday in the Education Building lower level.This meeting is open to everyone.Join us as we pray for our church, our community and the nation.
Have a Prayer Request?
We aren't meant to deal with difficulties in isolation. Sometimes we need extra prayer - right away. If you have a prayer need, urgent or otherwise, please let our Prayer Team know. Click on the "Prayer Request" link in the menu line above. Your request will be handled confidentially by the Prayer Team.
Ignite Youth
Ignite Youth will meet this afternoon from 4:00 pm-5:30 pm. Ignite Youth is a small group for children in Elementary and Middle School that meets each Sunday afternoon. Each week, we’ll enjoy games, a lesson and food. Spread the word!
This Week's Prayers and Announcements
See the "Prayers and Announcements" tab for the current annoucements and prayer schedule.
Fairfield Methodist Church7860 Fairfield Forest Road
Denver, North Carolina 28037
Phone (704) 483-6407